Nature School, June 10th, 2013
Supplies: Trees are Special book, Crayons, Paper, ink pads, Put Together a Tree supplies,
Welcome: Nature School song
Letter of the Day: T
Today we are going to talk about trees!
Group Activity:
First, let’s talk about the different parts of a tree. We are actually going to put a tree together (cut out parts of a tree and tape onto a piece of paper in the shape of a tree). Okay, what is the sturdy middle part of the tree that keeps it upright? (trunk) What about the part of the tree that is underground and sucks up water? (roots) What about the part of the tree that is like arms and sways in the breeze? (branches) And the small round or pointy things that help make food for the tree? (leaves)
Pretend Play:
Now let’s use our bodies to pretend to be a tree. What should our arms be (branches) and fingers (leaves)? What about our tummies and legs (sturdy trunk)? What about our feet (roots)?
Now, our roots needs to suck up water. Let’s all make a big huge slurping noise! Now, the water travels up, up our trunk (crouch down with hands on ground, then stand up tall raising hands up high). Now our leaves use the sunlight and water to make sugar and oxygen. We let the oxygen out of our leaves for humans and animals to breath (take a deep breath) and the sugar, we trees use to feed ourselves and grow bigger and taller (stand up taller and puff out chest).
We are really lucky to have trees. What are some things that you love about trees?
-They give us oxygen to breath fresh, clean air
-The provide us with shade on a hot sunny day
-Trees are fun to climb
-Many things we use are made out of trees- our houses, toys, beds, paper, pencils, bookshelves, etc.
-Trees make our world a more beautiful place
-Many animals use trees to make their home- bird, raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, owls, snakes, monkeys,
Nature Walk:
Take about 20 minutes to let the kids explore and be creative.
Get to know a tree activity:
Have you ever met a tree?
I want each child to find a tree to meet. Let me show you how. Oh, here is an interesting looking tree! Hello, nice to meet you. I’m going to be a nature scientist and learn all I can about this particular tree.
-Look for special traits- branches, bark, leaves, roots, markings, mushrooms, holes, etc. Let the kids get to know it by smelling, touching, listening, looking with magnifiers.
-Have the kids sit under the tree and look up into the branches. What kinds of animals might live here? Now everyone be very quiet and listen to our tree. What does it sound like? Do we hear birds, squirrels, branches creaking?
-What about the soil around the tree. Is it wet, squishy, dry, hard, rocky, etc?
-Feel the bark. Does it feel soft, smooth, rough, cold, warm?
Bark rubbing- A bark rubbing is a way to remember our special tree and take a part of it home without hurting it. Give each child a crayon and piece of paper. Have an adult help hold the paper in place on the bark of the tree, while the child rubs a crayon back and forth over paper.
Play “Ring around the Tree” with the tree you have found. Have the kids make a circle around the tree by linking hands. Sing the following to the tune of “Ring around the rosie”
Ring around the tree, you are so tall and free
Wind blows, wind blows the leaves fall down!
Tree Tag
This is a very, very simple game that kids as young as 1 ½ can play!
Find an area with lots of trees. Have the kids stand next to a tree. When you call out “Switch!” they run to a new tree. Wait till all the kids have found a new tree, then call out “Switch” again. Kids love the anticipation and getting to run. We have played this game for a good twenty minutes before losing interest ;)
Read “Be a friend to trees”
Why are trees important?
-They give us air to breath- we could not live without them
-Wood to build things
-Nice to look at
-Homes for animals and insects
-Food for animals and insects
How can we take care of trees?
-Climb gently
-Plant a tree
-Protect forests
Finger print tree craft. Give each child a piece of paper with a trunk and branches drawn on. Let the children use a stamp pad to make finger print stamps all over the branches as leaves.