Sunday, February 19, 2012

Lesson plan- Sharing

Nature School Feb. 20th, 2012

Welcome song

We’ve been talking about love with Valentine’s this month. Today let's learn about sharing! Sharing is another way we show love for our friends and family.

Letter of the Day:
S for sharing
Who can tell me what sharing is?
When you share a toy with a friend, does it mean they keep it forever? No :) It’s good for me to remember that when I’m having a hard time sharing. Who feels happy when they share? I do!

Sharing Chart:
There are so many things that are more fun to do with a friend than alone. Let’s fill out a sharing chart. Let’s say whether we like doing these things with a friend or family, or doing them all alone (some things on the chart could go either way, for instance “reading a book”).

Playing a game
Eating cookies
Brushing teeth
Getting Dressed
Going on a bike ride
Going for a hike
Eating dinner
Seeing a rainbow
Reading a book
Finding a beautiful flower
Playing with trains or cars
Playing dress up
Making music
Brushing your hair
Doing chores

Group Sharing:
Everyone brought something that they would like to share with the other kids. Let’s take turns sharing with one another about what we brought.

Rabbit’s Gift-
The Please and Thank You Book-

Three little sailors set out to sea.
They worked together happily.
Everyone cleaned, everyone rowed,
Everyone fished, everyone sewed.
When they got home
They stood side-by-side.
Their boat full of fish,
Their hearts full of pride!

Picture puzzles- this game will help teach the children to work together and share with one another.
Find pictures from National Geographic or any other magazine with neat pictures. Mount them onto cardstock. Cut in half. Make sure you have enough for each child to get a half. Pass out the puzzle pieces. Tell the children they need to find their puzzle partner. Let them play the game multiple times by gathering and re-distributing the picture puzzle pieces.

Hands On:
Packet of Sugar Snap Peas
Dirt/Potting soil
Egg carton cut up into individual little cups

Planting peas- I brought seeds, dirt, and egg carton cups for everyone to plant a pea seed. This pea seed will grow into a pea plant with LOTS of sugar snap peas to share with your friends and family. Planting seeds is such a special way to share with others, because with one seed, you can have a big beautiful plant grow. Plants make our planet happy too! When we plant seeds, we are sharing the beauty of the earth with others too.

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